How to Care for Your Orchid Plant Bouquet at Home, 2024 Tips - Orchids by Donya's Florals

How to Care for Your Orchid Plant Bouquet at Home, 2024 Tips

Caring for Your Orchid Plant Bouquet at Home or the Office


You received an Orchid Plant from a friend or loved one, or you are buying an orchid plant gift to be delivered to someone else, nice! The first thing you should know is that your orchid plant bouquet is a Reblooming Epiphyte. 

Epiphytes grow on or near other plants and extract nutrients from the air, rain and surrounding earth matter. Orchids can be found in rainforests growing around tree trucks which provide them with support and stability. Other common epiphytes are ferns, bromeliads, air plants and some cacti.

'I’m an Epiphyte, So Let My Roots Show! That’s How I Grow…'

Caring for your Indoor Phalaenopsis Orchid Plant Bouquet is as Easy as 1-2-3!


  • Water Weekly (as needed) using lukewarm or room temperature purified water or rainwater.


  • Drain excess water from your decorative pot. If you have overwatered, hold off watering your plant until the roots and moss medium are dried out. Check the root system regularly. Green (green beans) is good. White and yellow are developing. Brown has expired. Gently snip and prune browning roots.


Bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight exposure.

3. AIR

If the orchid plant could talk, he'd say, "If you want me to stay, give me some space and let me breathe!" The girl orchid would say, "If you want me to grow, love me from head to toe and let my roots show!" 

Plants are heaven's little gifts! Like people, they need love, air, water and light to maintain a healthy root system. So, when you see roots emerge that resemble green beans, do not rush to bury or jam those tiny legs into your decorative pot. Instead, let your orchid access earth's nutrients uninhibited and you'll benefit from the biophilic properties of a living air-purifying plant in your living space longer. 



  • Fertilize once a month while your plant is resting and not in bloom – autumn and winter seasons. New blooms start to emerge every spring. Follow the instructions provided with the fertilizer formulated for your type of orchid.
  • Repot your orchid in the spring every other year or as needed.
  • FINAL NOTE: Your orchid babe is still alive well after her blooms have fallen. Just look at mine in this photo! With the proper care, space and air, she'll bloom again. She's just resting!

Now that's a bouquet that keeps on sending out crazy love. - driven and inspired by you

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Sources and for More Orchid Care Tips, visit: The American Orchid Society ( and Gardening Know How - Gardening Is Easy! Let us Show You How

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